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首页>> 低压电器>> 空气开关>> GB 系列塑壳断路器(MCCB)

商品名称:GB 系列塑壳断路器(MCCB)
商品品牌 :LG(LS产电) 订购电话 :0760-88886370 88886371 88886372 88886373 88732779
传真热线:0760-88306579 : 1分
浏览次数: 9399 剩余数量: 1000 件
本站价 :¥1.00 优惠价 :¥1.00
数量 你的价格: 1.00
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详细信息 优惠信息 配送信息 售后服务
- 6种框架尺寸(16至1600A)
- 使用可调式热磁脱扣器或电子脱扣器。脱扣器带警报功能(超过110%时Ir LED闪烁),LSIA 配置(超过400AF),频率可选
- 在脱扣器前端使用旋钮调节电流。
- 三极产品到1600A的全范围额定电流。
- 提供为满足不同应用的更多附件,安装设备轻松方便。
- 框架由刚性工程塑料材料制作的。

AF 极数 型号 额定电流
(A), In
极限短路分断能力 (kA rms), Icu
AC220V AC460V
100 2 GBN 102 16,20,25,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
50 35
3 GBN 103
4 GBN 104
250 2 GBN 202 125,160,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
50 35
3 GBN 203
4 GBN 204
100 2 GBH 102 16,20,25,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
85 50
3 GBH 103
4 GBH 104
250 2 GBH 202 125,160,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
85 50
3 GBH 203
4 GBH 204
100 2 GBL 102 16,20,25,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
125 85
3 GBL 103
4 GBL 104
250 2 GBL 202 125,160,
(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
125 85
3 GBL 203
4 GBL 204
50 3 GBL 53E 50 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
125 85
100 3 GBL 103E 100 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
125 85
250 3 GBL 203E 250 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
125 85
400 3 GBN 403E 400 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
50 30
GBH 403E (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
85 42
800 3 GBN 803E 800 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
50 30
GBH 803E (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
X In
85 42
♂ 电气辅件
- 辅助开关,AX表示“断开”或“闭合”位置.
- 分励脱扣器,SHT远程使断路器脱扣
- 报警开关,AL警示“脱扣”状态
- 欠压脱扣器,在欠压时UVT动作
♂ 外部配件
- 端子盖
- 旋转手柄
- 板后接线端子
- 电动操作机构
- 绝缘隔板
- 机械联锁
- 合闸锁定装置
- 插入式底座
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
3A 2 ABE32 3A 0004000100 1.5
5A 2 ABE32 5A 0004000200 1.5
10A 2 ABE32 10A 0004000300 1.5
15A 2 ABE32 15A 0004000400 1.5
20A 2 ABE32 20A 0004000500 1.5
30A 2 ABE32 30A 0004000600 1.5
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
3A 3 ABE33 3A 0005000100 1.5
5A 3 ABE33 5A 0005000200 1.5
10A 3 ABE33 10A 0005000400 1.5
15A 3 ABE33 15A 0005000600 1.5
20A 3 ABE33 20A 0005000800 1.5
30A 3 ABE33 30A 0005001000 1.5
Meta-MEC ABS 30AF 2P/3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
3A 2 ABS32b 3A 0047000900 2.5
5A 2 ABS32b 5A 0047001000 5
10A 2 ABS32b 10A 0047001100 5
15A 2 ABS32b 15A 0047001200 5
20A 2 ABS32b 20A 0047001300 5
30A 2 ABS32b 30A 0047001400 5
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
3A 3 ABS33b 3A 0048000900 2.5
5A 3 ABS33b 5A 0048001000 5
10A 3 ABS33b 10A 0048001100 5
15A 3 ABS33b 15A 0048001200 5
20A 3 ABS33b 20A 0048001300 5
30A 3 ABS33b 30A 0048001400 5
Meta-MEC ABH 30AF 2P/3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 ABH32b 5A 0049002000 10
10A 2 ABH32b 10A 0049002100 10
15A 2 ABH32b 15A 0049002200 10
20A 2 ABH32b 20A 0049002300 10
30A 2 ABH32b 30A 0049002400 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 ABH33b 5A 0050002000 10
10A 3 ABH33b 10A 0050002100 10
15A 3 ABH33b 15A 0050002200 10
20A 3 ABH33b 20A 0050002300 10
30A 3 ABH33b 30A 0050002400 10
Meta-MEC ABE 50AF 2P/3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 ABE52b 5A 0047000100 5
10A 2 ABE52b 10A 0047000200 5
15A 2 ABE52b 15A 0047000300 5
20A 2 ABE52b 20A 0047000400 5
30A 2 ABE52b 30A 0047000500 5
40A 2 ABE52b 40A 0047000600 5
50A 2 ABE52b 50A 0047000700 5
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 ABE53b 5A 0048000100 5
10A 3 ABE53b 10A 0048000200 5
15A 3 ABE53b 15A 0048000300 5
20A 3 ABE53b 20A 0048000400 5
30A 3 ABE53b 30A 0048000500 5
40A 3 ABE53b 40A 0048000600 5
50A 3 ABE53b 50A 0048000700 5
Meta-MEC ABS 50AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 ABS52b 5A 0049001100 10
10A 2 ABS52b 10A 0049001200 10
15A 2 ABS52b 15A 0049001300 10
20A 2 ABS52b 20A 0049001400 10
30A 2 ABS52b 30A 0049001500 10
40A 2 ABS52b 40A 0049001600 10
50A 2 ABS52b 50A 0049001700 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 ABS53b 5A 0050001100 10
10A 3 ABS53b 10A 0050001200 10
15A 3 ABS53b 15A 0050001300 10
20A 3 ABS53b 20A 0050001400 10
30A 3 ABS53b 30A 0050001500 10
40A 3 ABS53b 40A 0050001600 10
50A 3 ABS53b 50A 0050001700 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 4 ABS54b 5A 0051001100 10
10A 4 ABS54b 10A 0051001200 10
15A 4 ABS54b 15A 0051001300 10
20A 4 ABS54b 20A 0051001400 10
30A 4 ABS54b 30A 0051001500 10
40A 4 ABS54b 40A 0051001600 10
50A 4 ABS54b 50A 0051001700 10
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABH 50AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 2 ABH52b 15A 0052000900 25
20A 2 ABH52b 20A 0052001000 25
30A 2 ABH52b 30A 0052001100 25
40A 2 ABH52b 40A 0052001200 25
50A 2 ABH52b 50A 0052001300 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 3 ABH53b 15A 0053000900 25
20A 3 ABH53b 20A 0053001000 25
30A 3 ABH53b 30A 0053001100 25
40A 3 ABH53b 40A 0053001200 25
50A 3 ABH53b 50A 0053001300 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 4 ABH54b 15A 0054000900 25
20A 4 ABH54b 20A 0054001000 25
30A 4 ABH54b 30A 0054001100 25
40A 4 ABH54b 40A 0054001200 25
50A 4 ABH54b 50A 0054001300 25
Meta-MEC ABE 60AF 2P/3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 2 ABE62b 60A 0047000800 5
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 ABE63b 60A 0048000800 5
Meta-MEC ABS 60AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 2 ABS62b 60A 0049001800 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 ABS63b 60A 0050001800 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 4 ABS64b 60A 0051001800 10
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABE 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 ABE102b 5A 0049000100 10
10A 2 ABE102b 10A 0049000200 10
15A 2 ABE102b 15A 0049000300 10
20A 2 ABE102b 20A 0049000400 10
30A 2 ABE102b 30A 0049000500 10
40A 2 ABE102b 40A 0049000600 10
50A 2 ABE102b 50A 0049000700 10
60A 2 ABE102b 60A 0049000800 10
75A 2 ABE102b 75A 0049000900 10
100A 2 ABE102b 100A 0049001000 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 ABE103b 5A 0050000100 10
10A 3 ABE103b 10A 0050000200 10
15A 3 ABE103b 15A 0050000300 10
20A 3 ABE103b 20A 0050000400 10
30A 3 ABE103b 30A 0050000500 10
40A 3 ABE103b 40A 0050000600 10
50A 3 ABE103b 50A 0050000700 10
60A 3 ABE103b 60A 0050000800 10
75A 3 ABE103b 75A 0050000900 10
100A 3 ABE103b 100A 0050001000 10
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
5A 4 ABE104b 5A 0051000100 10
10A 4 ABE104b 10A 0051000200 10
15A 4 ABE104b 15A 0051000300 10
20A 4 ABE104b 20A 0051000400 10
30A 4 ABE104b 30A 0051000500 10
40A 4 ABE104b 40A 0051000600 10
50A 4 ABE104b 50A 0051000700 10
60A 4 ABE104b 60A 0051000800 10
75A 4 ABE104b 75A 0051000900 10
100A 4 ABE104b 100A 0051001000 10
Meta-MEC ABS 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 2 ABS102b 15A 0052000100 25
20A 2 ABS102b 20A 0052000200 25
30A 2 ABS102b 30A 0052000300 25
40A 2 ABS102b 40A 0052000400 25
50A 2 ABS102b 50A 0052000500 25
60A 2 ABS102b 60A 0052000600 25
75A 2 ABS102b 75A 0052000700 25
100A 2 ABS102b 100A 0052000800 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 3 ABS103b 15A 0053000100 25
20A 3 ABS103b 20A 0053000200 25
30A 3 ABS103b 30A 0053000300 25
40A 3 ABS103b 40A 0053000400 25
50A 3 ABS103b 50A 0053000500 25
60A 3 ABS103b 60A 0053000600 25
75A 3 ABS103b 75A 0053000700 25
100A 3 ABS103b 100A 0053000800 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 4 ABS104b 15A 0054000100 25
20A 4 ABS104b 20A 0054000200 25
30A 4 ABS104b 30A 0054000300 25
40A 4 ABS104b 40A 0054000400 25
50A 4 ABS104b 50A 0054000500 25
60A 4 ABS104b 60A 0054000600 25
75A 4 ABS104b 75A 0054000700 25
100A 4 ABS104b 100A 0054000800 25
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABH 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 2 ABH102b 15A 0052002000 35
20A 2 ABH102b 20A 0052002100 35
30A 2 ABH102b 30A 0052002200 35
40A 2 ABH102b 40A 0052002300 35
50A 2 ABH102b 50A 0052002400 35
60A 2 ABH102b 60A 0052002500 35
75A 2 ABH102b 75A 0052002600 35
100A 2 ABH102b 100A 0052002700 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 3 ABH103b 15A 0053002000 35
20A 3 ABH103b 20A 0053002100 35
30A 3 ABH103b 30A 0053002200 35
40A 3 ABH103b 40A 0053002300 35
50A 3 ABH103b 50A 0053002400 35
60A 3 ABH103b 60A 0053002500 35
75A 3 ABH103b 75A 0053002600 35
100A 3 ABH103b 100A 0053002700 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 4 ABH104b 15A 0054002000 35
20A 4 ABH104b 20A 0054002100 35
30A 4 ABH104b 30A 0054002200 35
40A 4 ABH104b 40A 0054002300 35
50A 4 ABH104b 50A 0054002400 35
60A 4 ABH104b 60A 0054002500 35
75A 4 ABH104b 75A 0054002600 35
100A 4 ABH104b 100A 0054002700 35
Meta-MEC ABE 225AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 2 ABE202b 100A 0055000100 18
125A 2 ABE202b 125A 0055000200 18
150A 2 ABE202b 150A 0055000300 18
175A 2 ABE202b 175A 0055000400 18
200A 2 ABE202b 200A 0055000500 18
225A 2 ABE202b 225A 0055000600 18
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 3 ABE203b 100A 0056000100 18
125A 3 ABE203b 125A 0056000200 18
150A 3 ABE203b 150A 0056000300 18
175A 3 ABE203b 175A 0056000400 18
200A 3 ABE203b 200A 0056000500 18
225A 3 ABE203b 225A 0056000600 18
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 4 ABE204b 100A 0057000100 18
125A 4 ABE204b 125A 0057000200 18
150A 4 ABE204b 150A 0057000300 18
175A 4 ABE204b 175A 0057000400 18
200A 4 ABE204b 200A 0057000500 18
225A 4 ABE204b 225A 0057000600 18
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABS 225AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 2 ABS202b 100A 0055000700 25
125A 2 ABS202b 125A 0055000800 25
150A 2 ABS202b 150A 0055000900 25
175A 2 ABS202b 175A 0055001000 25
200A 2 ABS202b 200A 0055001100 25
225A 2 ABS202b 225A 0055001200 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 3 ABS203b 100A 0056000700 25
125A 3 ABS203b 125A 0056000800 25
150A 3 ABS203b 150A 0056000900 25
175A 3 ABS203b 175A 0056001000 25
200A 3 ABS203b 200A 0056001100 25
225A 3 ABS203b 225A 0056001200 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 4 ABS204b 100A 0057000700 25
125A 4 ABS204b 125A 0057000800 25
150A 4 ABS204b 150A 0057000900 25
175A 4 ABS204b 175A 0057001000 25
200A 4 ABS204b 200A 0057001100 25
225A 4 ABS204b 225A 0057001200 25
Meta-MEC ABH 225AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 2 ABH202b 100A 0058000100 35
125A 2 ABH202b 125A 0058000200 35
150A 2 ABH202b 150A 0058000300 35
175A 2 ABH202b 175A 0058000400 35
200A 2 ABH202b 200A 0058000500 35
225A 2 ABH202b 225A 0058000600 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 3 ABH203b 100A 0059000100 35
125A 3 ABH203b 125A 0059000200 35
150A 3 ABH203b 150A 0059000300 35
175A 3 ABH203b 175A 0059000400 35
200A 3 ABH203b 200A 0059000500 35
225A 3 ABH203b 225A 0059000600 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 4 ABH204b 100A 0060000100 35
125A 4 ABH204b 125A 0060000200 35
150A 4 ABH204b 150A 0060000300 35
175A 4 ABH204b 175A 0060000400 35
200A 4 ABH204b 200A 0060000500 35
225A 4 ABH204b 225A 0060000600 35
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABE 400AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 2 ABE402b 250A 0088000100 25
300A 2 ABE402b 300A 0088000200 25
350A 2 ABE402b 350A 0088000300 25
400A 2 ABE402b 400A 0088000400 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 ABE403b 250A 0087000200 25
300A 3 ABE403b 300A 0087000300 25
350A 3 ABE403b 350A 0087000400 25
400A 3 ABE403b 400A 0087000500 25
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 4 ABE404b 250A 0086000200 25
300A 4 ABE404b 300A 0086000300 25
350A 4 ABE404b 350A 0086000400 25
400A 4 ABE404b 400A 0086000500 25
Meta-MEC ABS 400AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 2 ABS402b 250A 0088000500 35
300A 2 ABS402b 300A 0088000600 35
350A 2 ABS402b 350A 0088000700 35
400A 2 ABS402b 400A 0088000800 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 ABS403b 250A 0087000600 35
300A 3 ABS403b 300A 0087000700 35
350A 3 ABS403b 350A 0087000800 35
400A 3 ABS403b 400A 0087000900 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 4 ABS404b 250A 0086000600 35
300A 4 ABS404b 300A 0086000700 35
350A 4 ABS404b 350A 0086000800 35
400A 4 ABS404b 400A 0086000900 35
Meta-MEC ABH 400AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 2 ABH402b 250A 0088000900 50
300A 2 ABH402b 300A 0088001000 50
350A 2 ABH402b 350A 0088001100 50
400A 2 ABH402b 400A 0088001200 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 ABH403b 250A 0087001000 50
300A 3 ABH403b 300A 0087001100 50
350A 3 ABH403b 350A 0087001200 50
400A 3 ABH403b 400A 0087001300 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 4 ABH404b 250A 0086001000 50
300A 4 ABH404b 300A 0086001100 50
350A 4 ABH404b 350A 0086001200 50
400A 4 ABH404b 400A 0086001300 50
Meta-MEC ABL 400AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 2 ABL402b 250A 0088001300 85
300A 2 ABL402b 300A 0088001400 85
350A 2 ABL402b 350A 0088001500 85
400A 2 ABL402b 400A 0088001600 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 ABL403b 250A 0087000100 85
300A 3 ABL403b 300A 0087001400 85
350A 3 ABL403b 350A 0087001500 85
400A 3 ABL403b 400A 0087001600 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 4 ABL404b 250A 0086000100 85
300A 4 ABL404b 300A 0086001400 85
350A 4 ABL404b 350A 0086001500 85
400A 4 ABL404b 400A 0086001600 85
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABE 800AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 2 ABE802b 500A 0092000100 35
600A 2 ABE802b 600A 0092000200 35
630A 2 35
700A 2 ABE802b 700A 0092000300 35
800A 2 ABE802b 800A 0092000400 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 ABE803b 500A 0093000100 35
600A 3 ABE803b 600A 0093000200 35
630A 3 ABE803b 630A 0093001300 35
700A 3 ABE803b 700A 0093000300 35
800A 3 ABE803b 800A 0093000400 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 4 ABE804b 500A 0085000200 35
600A 4 ABE804b 600A 0085000300 35
630A 4 ABE804b 630A 0085001300 35
700A 4 ABE804b 700A 0085000400 35
800A 4 ABE804b 800A 0085000500 35
Meta-MEC ABS 800AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 2 ABS802b 500A 0092000500 50
600A 2 ABS802b 600A 0092000600 50
630A 2 50
700A 2 ABS802b 700A 0092000700 50
800A 2 ABS802b 800A 0092000800 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 ABS803b 500A 0093000500 50
600A 3 ABS803b 600A 0093000600 50
630A 3 ABS803b 630A 0093001400 50
700A 3 ABS803b 700A 0093000700 50
800A 3 ABS803b 800A 0093000800 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 4 ABS804b 500A 0085000600 50
600A 4 ABS804b 600A 0085000700 50
630A 4 ABS804b 630A 0085000800 50
700A 4 ABS804b 700A 0085000900 50
800A 4 ABS804b 800A 0085001400 50
Meta-MEC ABL 800AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 2 ABL802b 500A 0092000900 85
600A 2 ABL802b 600A 0092001000 85
630A 2 ABL802b 630A 85
700A 2 ABL802b 700A 0092001100 85
800A 2 ABL802b 800A 0092001200 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 ABL803b 500A 0093000900 85
600A 3 ABL803b 600A 0093001000 85
630A 3 ABL803b 630A 0093001500 85
700A 3 ABL803b 700A 0093001100 85
800A 3 ABL803b 800A 0093001200 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
500A 4 ABL804b 500A 0085001000 85
600A 4 ABL804b 600A 0085000100 85
630A 4 ABL804b 630A 0085001500 85
700A 4 ABL804b 700A 0085001100 85
800A 4 ABL804b 800A 0085001200 85
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC ABS 1000AF 3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1000A 3 ABS1003 1000A 50Hz 0041007600 65
1000A 3 ABS1003 1000A 60Hz 0041009200 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1000A 4 ABS1004 1000A 50Hz 0042002300 65
1000A 4 ABS1004 1000A 60Hz 0042002400 65
Meta-MEC ABS 1200AF 3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1200A 3 ABS1203 1200A 50Hz 0041011200 65
1200A 3 ABS1203 1200A 60Hz 0041011300 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1200A 4 ABS1204 1200A 50Hz 0042003300 65
1200A 4 ABS1204 1200A 60Hz 65
Meta-MEC ABS1203E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1200A 3 ABS1203E 600-1200A 0041013900 65
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC GBN 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 2 GBN102 16A 0024004900 35
20A 2 GBN102 20A 0024005500 35
25A 2 GBN102 25A 0024000700 35
32A 2 GBN102 32A 0024000800 35
40A 2 GBN102 40A 0024005600 35
50A 2 GBN102 50A 0024004100 35
63A 2 GBN102 63A 0024000900 35
80A 2 GBN102 80A 0024001000 35
100A 2 GBN102 100A 0024001100 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 3 GBN103 16A 0025000700 35
20A 3 GBN103 20A 0025000800 35
25A 3 GBN103 25A 0025000900 35
32A 3 GBN103 32A 0025001000 35
40A 3 GBN103 40A 0025001100 35
50A 3 GBN103 50A 0025001200 35
63A 3 GBN103 63A 0025001300 35
80A 3 GBN103 80A 0025001400 35
100A 3 GBN103 100A 0025001500 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
6A 4 GBN104 16A 0026000300 35
20A 4 GBN104 20A 0026000400 35
25A 4 GBN104 25A 0026000500 35
32A 4 GBN104 32A 0026000600 35
40A 4 GBN104 40A 0026000700 35
50A 4 GBN104 50A 0026000800 35
63A 4 GBN104 63A 0026000900 35
80A 4 GBN104 80A 0026001000 35
100A 4 GBN104 100A 0026000100 35
Meta-MEC GBH 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 2 GBH102 16A 0024005000 50
20A 2 GBH102 20A 0024005100 50
25A 2 GBH102 25A 0024005200 50
32A 2 GBH102 32A 0024005300 50
40A 2 GBH102 40A 0024005400 50
50A 2 GBH102 50A 0024001800 50
63A 2 GBH102 63A 0024001900 50
80A 2 GBH102 80A 0024002000 50
100A 2 GBH102 100A 0024002100 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 3 GBH103 16A 0025009200 50
20A 3 GBH103 20A 0025010100 50
25A 3 GBH103 25A 0025002200 50
32A 3 GBH103 32A 0025002300 50
40A 3 GBH103 40A 0025002400 50
50A 3 GBH103 50A 0025002500 50
63A 3 GBH103 63A 0025002600 50
80A 3 GBH103 80A 0025002700 50
100A 3 GBH103 100A 0025002800 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 4 GBH104 16A 0026003400 50
20A 4 GBH104 20A 0026004100 50
25A 4 GBH104 25A 0026004200 50
32A 4 GBH104 32A 0026004300 50
40A 4 GBH104 40A 0026004400 50
50A 4 GBH104 50A 0026004500 50
63A 4 GBH104 63A 0026001200 50
80A 4 GBH104 80A 0026002700 50
100A 4 GBH104 100A 0026000200 50
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC GBL 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 2 GBL102 16A 85
20A 2 GBL102 20A 85
25A 2 GBL102 25A 85
32A 2 GBL102 32A 85
40A 2 GBL102 40A 85
50A 2 GBL102 50A 85
63A 2 GBL102 63A 0024002800 85
80A 2 GBL102 80A 0024002900 85
100A 2 GBL102 100A 0024003000 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 3 GBL103 16A 0025003600 85
20A 3 GBL103 20A 0025003700 85
25A 3 GBL103 25A 0025003800 85
32A 3 GBL103 32A 0025003900 85
40A 3 GBL103 40A 0025004000 85
50A 3 GBL103 50A 0025004100 85
63A 3 GBL103 63A 0025004200 85
80A 3 GBL103 80A 0025004300 85
100A 3 GBL103 100A 0025004400 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
16A 4 GBL104 16A 0026001300 85
20A 4 GBL104 20A 0026001400 85
25A 4 GBL104 25A 0026001500 85
32A 4 GBL104 32A 0026001600 85
40A 4 GBL104 40A 0026001700 85
50A 4 GBL104 50A 0026001800 85
63A 4 GBL104 63A 0026001900 85
80A 4 GBL104 80A 0026002000 85
100A 4 GBL104 100A 0026002100 85
Meta-MEC GBN 250AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 2 GBN202 125A 0027000100 35
160A 2 GBN202 160A 0027000200 35
200A 2 GBN202 200A 0027000300 35
250A 2 GBN202 250A 0027000400 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 4 GBN204 125A 0029000700 35
160A 4 GBN204 160A 0029000800 35
200A 4 GBN204 200A 0029000100 35
250A 4 GBN204 250A 0029000200 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 GBN203 125A 0028000100 35
150A 3 GBN203 150A 0028003800 35
160A 3 GBN203 160A 0028000200 35
200A 3 GBN203 200A 0028000300 35
250A 3 GBN203 250A 0028000400 35
Meta-MEC GBH 250AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 2 GBH202 125A 0027000500 50
160A 2 GBH202 160A 0027000600 50
200A 2 GBH202 200A 0027000700 50
250A 2 GBH202 250A 0027000800 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 GBH203 125A 0028000600 50
160A 3 GBH203 160A 0028000700 50
200A 3 GBH203 200A 0028000800 50
250A 3 GBH203 250A 0028000900 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 4 GBH204 125A 0029000900 50
160A 4 GBH204 160A 0029001200 50
200A 4 GBH204 200A 0029000300 50
250A 4 GBH204 250A 0029000400 50
Meta-MEC GBL 250AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 2 GBL202 125A 0027000900 85
160A 2 GBL202 160A 0027001000 85
200A 2 GBL202 200A 0027001100 85
250A 2 GBL202 250A 0027001200 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 GBL203 125A 0028001000 85
160A 3 GBL203 160A 0028003000 85
200A 3 GBL203 200A 0028001200 85
250A 3 GBL203 250A 0028001300 85
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 4 GBL204 125A 0029001000 85
160A 4 GBL204 160A 0029001100 85
200A 4 GBL204 200A 0029000500 85
250A 4 GBL204 250A 0029000600 85
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC GBL 53E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
50A 3 GBL53E 50A 0025008700 85
Meta-MEC GBL 103E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
100A 3 GBL103E 100A 0025009100 85
Meta-MEC GBL 203E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 GBL203E 250A 0028002900 85
Meta-MEC GBN 403E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
400A 3 GBN403E 400A 0031018100 35
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
800A 3 GBN803E 800A 0039007000 35
Meta-MEC GBN 803E 3P
Meta-MEC GBH 403E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
400A 3 GBH403E 400A 0031019300 50
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
800A 3 GBH803E 800A 0039007300 50
Meta-MEC GBH 803E 3P
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC GBN1603E 3P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1600A 3 GBN1603E 1600A 0100000100 65
1600A 3 GBN1603EX 1600A 0100000200 65
1600A 3
GBN1603E 1600A
0100000300 65
Hi-MEC ABL 50AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 2 ABL52a 15A 0020007500 65
20A 2 ABL52a 20A 0020007600 65
30A 2 ABL52a 30A 0020007700 65
40A 2 ABL52a 40A 0020007800 65
50A 2 ABL52a 50A 0020007900 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 3 ABL53a 15A 0021030600 65
20A 3 ABL53a 20A 0021030700 65
30A 3 ABL53a 30A 0021030800 65
40A 3 ABL53a 40A 0021030900 65
50A 3 ABL53a 50A 0021031000 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 4 ABL54a 15A 0022009800 65
20A 4 ABL54a 20A 0022009900 65
30A 4 ABL54a 30A 0022010000 65
40A 4 ABL54a 40A 0022010100 65
50A 4 ABL54a 50A 0022010200 65
Catalogue numbers
Hi-MEC ABL 100AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 2 ABL102a 15A 0020009800 65
20A 2 ABL102a 20A 0020009900 65
30A 2 ABL102a 30A 0020010000 65
40A 2 ABL102a 40A 0020010100 65
50A 2 ABL102a 50A 0020010200 65
60A 2 ABL102a 60A 0020010300 65
75A 2 ABL102a 75A 0020010400 65
100A 2 ABL102a 100A 0020010500 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 3 ABL103a 15A 0021036300 65
20A 3 ABL103a 20A 0021036400 65
30A 3 ABL103a 30A 0021036500 65
40A 3 ABL103a 40A 0021036600 65
50A 3 ABL103a 50A 0021036700 65
60A 3 ABL103a 60A 0021036800 65
75A 3 ABL103a 75A 0021036900 65
100A 3 ABL103a 100A 0021037000 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
15A 4 ABL104a 15A 0022013200 65
20A 4 ABL104a 20A 0022013300 65
30A 4 ABL104a 30A 0022013400 65
40A 4 ABL104a 40A 0022013500 65
50A 4 ABL104a 50A 0022013600 65
60A 4 ABL104a 60A 0022013700 65
75A 4 ABL104a 75A 0022013800 65
100A 4 ABL104a 100A 0022013900 65
Hi-MEC ABL 225AF 2P/3P/4P
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 2 ABL202a 125A 0017007700 65
150A 2 ABL202a 150A 0017007800 65
175A 2 ABL202a 175A 0017007900 65
200A 2 ABL202a 200A 0017008000 65
225A 2 ABL202a 225A 0017008100 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 ABL203a 125A 0018028500 65
150A 3 ABL203a 150A 0018028600 65
175A 3 ABL203a 175A 0018028700 65
200A 3 ABL203a 200A 0018028800 65
225A 3 ABL203a 225A 0018028900 65
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 4 ABL204a 125A 0019014400 65
150A 4 ABL204a 150A 0019014500 65
175A 4 ABL204a 175A 0019014600 65
200A 4 ABL204a 200A 0019014700 65
225A 4 ABL204a 225A 0019014800 65
Catalogue numbers
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABE53bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
10A 3 ABE53bM 10A 0048002300 5
12A 3 ABE53bM 12A 0048002400 5
16A 3 ABE53bM 16A 0048002500 5
24A 3 ABE53bM 24A 0048002600 5
32A 3 ABE53bM 32A 0048002700 5
45A 3 ABE53bM 45A 0048002900 5
60A 3 ABE63bM 60A 0048003000 5
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABS53bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
10A 3 ABS53bM 10A 0050004700 10
12A 3 ABS53bM 12A 0050004800 10
16A 3 ABS53bM 16A 0050004900 10
24A 3 ABS53bM 24A 0050005000 10
32A 3 ABS53bM 32A 0050005100 10
40A 3 ABS53bM 40A 0050005200 10
45A 3 ABS53bM 45A 0050005300 10
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABS63bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 ABS63bM 60A 0050005400 10
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABE103bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
75A 3 ABE103bM 75A 0050005600 10
90A 3 ABE103bM 90A 0050005700 10
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABH53bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
6A 3 ABH53bM 16A 0053003400 25
24A 3 ABH53bM 24A 0053003500 25
32A 3 ABH53bM 32A 0053003600 25
45A 3 ABH53bM 45A 0053003800 25
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABS103bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 ABS103bM 60A 0053003100 25
75A 3 ABS103bM 75A 0053003200 25
90A 3 ABS103bM 90A 0053003300 25
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABH103bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 ABH103bM 60A 0053004400 35
75A 3 ABH103bM 75A 0053004500 35
90A 3 ABH103bM 90A 0053004600 35
Catalogue numbers
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABE203bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 ABE203bM 125A 0056001300 18
150A 3 ABE203bM 150A 0056001400 18
175A 3 ABE203bM 175A 0056001500 18
225A 3 ABE203bM 225A 0056001600 18
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABS203bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 ABS203bM 125A 0056001700 25
150A 3 ABS203bM 150A 0056001800 25
175A 3 ABS203bM 175A 0056001900 25
225A 3 ABS203bM 225A 0056002000 25
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABH203bM 3P Thermal magnetic type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 ABH203bM 125A 0059000700 35
150A 3 ABH203bM 150A 0059000800 35
175A 3 ABH203bM 175A 0059000900 35
225A 3 ABH203bM 225A 0059001000 35
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series GBL103IN 3P Magnetic only type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
1.6A 3
GBL103IN 1.6A
0025005600 85
3.2A 3
GBL103IN 3.2A
0025005700 85
6.3A 3
GBL103IN 6.3A
0025005800 85
12A 3 GBL103IN 12A
0025005900 85
20A 3 GBL103IN 20A
0025006000 85
32A 3
GBL103IN 32A
0025006100 85
50A 3
GBL103IN 50A
0025006200 85
63A 3
GBL103IN 63A
0025006300 85
100A 3
GBL103IN 100A
0025006400 85
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series GBL203IN 3P Magnetic only type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
63A 3
GBL203IN 63A
100A 3
GBL203IN 100A
0028003200 85
160A 3
GBL203IN 160A
0028002100 85
200A 3 GBL203IN 200A
0028002200 85
250A 3 GBL203IN 250A
0028002300 85
Catalogue numbers
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABL403bIN 3P Magnetic only type
IN type MCCB
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
300A 3
ABL403bIN 300A
0087016100 65
350A 3
ABL403bIN 350A
0087016500 65
400A 3
ABL403bIN 400A
0087016200 65
Motor protection Meta-MEC Series ABL803bIN 3P Magnetic only type
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 415VAC (kA)
400A 3
ABL803bIN 400A
500A 3
ABL803bIN 400A
600A 3
ABL803bIN 600A
700A 3 ABL803bIN 700A
0093008000 65
800A 3 ABL803bIN 800A
Meta-MEC Series Key-locking breakers
Key-locking Type MCCB
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 380VAC (kA)
30A 3 ABS103K/30 20
60A 3 ABS103K/60 20
100A 3 ABS103K/100 20
Rated current(In) Pole Model Catalogue No. Icu at 380VAC (kA)
150A 3 ABS203K/150 20
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC EBS 30AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBS33b 5A 100/200/500mA 0770003600 5
10A 3 EBS33b 10A 100/200/500mA 0770003700 5
15A 3 EBS33b 15A 100/200/500mA 0770003800 5
20A 3 EBS33b 20A 100/200/500mA 0770003900 5
30A 3 EBS33b 30A 100/200/500mA 0770004000 5
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBS33b 5A 30mA 0770003100 5
10A 3 EBS33b 10A 30mA 0770003200 5
15A 3 EBS33b 15A 30mA 0770003300 5
20A 3 EBS33b 20A 30mA 0770003400 5
30A 3 EBS33b 30A 30mA 0770003500 5
Meta-MEC EBH 30AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 EBH33b 5A 30mA 0771002900 10
10A 2 EBH33b 10A 30mA 0771003000 10
15A 2 EBH33b 15A 30mA 0771003100 10
20A 2 EBH33b 20A 30mA 0771003200 10
30A 2 EBH33b 30A 30mA 0771003300 10
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBH33b 5A 100/200/500mA 0771003400 10
10A 3 EBH33b 10A 100/200/500mA 0771003500 10
15A 3 EBH33b 15A 100/200/500mA 0771003600 10
20A 3 EBH33b 20A 100/200/500mA 0771003700 10
30A 3 EBH33b 30A 100/200/500mA 0771003300 10
Meta-MEC EBE 50AF 2P/3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 EBE52b 5A 30mA 0770000100 5
10A 2 EBE52b 10A 30mA 0770000200 5
15A 2 EBE52b 15A 30mA 0770000300 5
20A 2 EBE52b 20A 30mA 0770000400 5
30A 2 EBE52b 30A 30mA 0770000500 5
40A 2 EBE52b 40A 30mA 0770000600 5
50A 2 EBE52b 50A 30mA 0770000700 5
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 2 EBE52b 5A 100/200/500mA 0770000800 5
10A 2 EBE52b 10A 100/200/500mA 0770000900 5
15A 2 EBE52b 15A 100/200/500mA 0770001000 5
20A 2 EBE52b 20A 100/200/500mA 0770001100 5
30A 2 EBE52b 30A 100/200/500mA 0770001200 5
40A 2 EBE52b 40A 100/200/500mA 0770001300 5
50A 2 EBE52b 50A 100/200/500mA 0770001400 5
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBE53b 5A 30mA 0770001500 5
10A 3 EBE53b 10A 30mA 0770001600 5
15A 3 EBE53b 15A 30mA 0770001700 5
20A 3 EBE53b 20A 30mA 0770001800 5
30A 3 EBE53b 30A 30mA 0770001900 5
40A 3 EBE53b 40A 30mA 0770002000 5
50A 3 EBE53b 50A 30mA 0770002100 5
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBE53b 5A 100/200/500mA 0770002200 5
10A 3 EBE53b 10A 100/200/500mA 0770002300 5
15A 3 EBE53b 15A 100/200/500mA 0770002400 5
20A 3 EBE53b 20A 100/200/500mA 0770002500 5
30A 3 EBE53b 30A 100/200/500mA 0770002600 5
40A 3 EBE53b 40A 100/200/500mA 0770002700 5
50A 3 EBE53b 50A 100/200/500mA 0770002800 5
Meta-MEC EBE 60AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBE63b 60A 30mA 0771002900 5
60A 3 EBE63b 60A 100/200/500mA 0771003000 5
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC EBS 50AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBS53b 5A 30mA 0771001300 10
10A 3 EBS53b 10A 30mA 0771001400 10
15A 3 EBS53b 15A 30mA 0771001500 10
20A 3 EBS53b 20A 30mA 0771001600 10
30A 3 EBS53b 30A 30mA 0771001700 10
40A 3 EBS53b 40A 30mA 0771001800 10
50A 3 EBS53b 50A 30mA 0771001900 10
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
5A 3 EBS53b 5A 100/200/500mA 0771002000 10
10A 3 EBS53b 10A 100/200/500mA 0771002100 10
15A 3 EBS53b 15A 100/200/500mA 0771002200 10
20A 3 EBS53b 20A 100/200/500mA 0771002300 10
30A 3 EBS53b 30A 100/200/500mA 0771002400 10
40A 3 EBS53b 40A 100/200/500mA 0771002500 10
50A 3 EBS53b 50A 100/200/500mA 0771002600 10
Meta-MEC EBH 50AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
40A 3 EBH53b 40A 30mA 0772001100 25
50A 3 EBH53b 50A 30mA 0772001200 25
40A 3 EBH53b 40A 100/200/500mA 0772001300 25
50A 3 EBH53b 50A 100/200/500mA 0772001400 25
Meta-MEC EBS 60AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBS63b 60A 30mA 0771002700 10
60A 3 EBS63b 60A 100/200/500mA 0771002800 10
Meta-MEC EBE 100AF 2P/3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 2 EBE102b 60A 30mA 0771000100 10
75A 2 EBE102b 75A 30mA 0771000200 10
100A 2 EBE102b 100A 30mA 0771000300 10
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 2 EBE102b 60A 100/200/500mA 0771000400 10
75A 2 EBE102b 75A 100/200/500mA 0771000500 10
100A 2 EBE102b 100A 100/200/500mA 0771000600 10
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBE103b 60A 30mA 0771000700 10
75A 3 EBE103b 75A 30mA 0771000800 10
100A 3 EBE103b 100A 30mA 0771000900 10
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBE103b 60A 100/200/500mA 0771001000 10
75A 3 EBE103b 75A 100/200/500mA 0771001100 10
100A 3 EBE103b 100A 100/200/500mA 0771001200 10
Meta-MEC EBH 100AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBH103b 60A 30mA 0772000300 35
75A 3 EBH103b 75A 30mA 0772000400 35
100A 3 EBH103b 100A 30mA 0772000500 35
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
60A 3 EBH103b 60A 100/200/500mA 0772000800 35
75A 3 EBH103b 75A 100/200/500mA 0772000900 35
100A 3 EBH103b 100A 100/200/500mA 0772001000 35
Meta-MEC EBS 100AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
40A 3 EBS103b 40A 30mA 0772001500 25
50A 3 EBS103b 50A 30mA 0772001600 25
60A 3 EBS103b 60A 30mA 0772001700 25
75A 3 EBS103b 75A 30mA 0772001800 25
100A 3 EBS103b 100A 30mA 0772001900 25
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
40A 3 EBS103b 40A 100/200/500mA 0772002000 25
50A 3 EBS103b 50A 100/200/500mA 0772002100 25
60A 3 EBS103b 60A 100/200/500mA 0772002200 25
75A 3 EBS103b 75A 100/200/500mA 0772002300 25
100A 3 EBS103b 100A 100/200/500mA 0772002400 25
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC EBE 225AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 EBE203b 125A 30mA 0773000200 18
150A 3 EBE203b 150A 30mA 0773000300 18
175A 3 EBE203b 175A 30mA 0773000400 18
200A 3 EBE203b 200A 30mA 0773000500 18
225A 3 EBE203b 225A 30mA 0773000600 18
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 EBE203b 125A 100/200/500mA 0773000800 18
150A 3 EBE203b 150A 100/200/500mA 0773000900 18
175A 3 EBE203b 175A 100/200/500mA 0773001000 18
200A 3 EBE203b 200A 100/200/500mA 0773001100 18
225A 3 EBE203b 225A 100/200/500mA 0773001200 18
Meta-MEC EBS 225AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 EBS203b 125A 30mA 25
150A 3 EBS203b 150A 30mA 0773001500 25
175A 3 EBS203b 175A 30mA 25
200A 3 EBS203b 200A 30mA 25
225A 3 EBS203b 225A 30mA 0773001800 25
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
100A 3 EBS203b 100A 100/200/500mA 0773001900 25
125A 3 EBS203b 125A 100/200/500mA 0773002000 25
150A 3 EBS203b 150A 100/200/500mA 0773002100 25
175A 3 EBS203b 175A 100/200/500mA 0773002200 25
200A 3 EBS203b 200A 100/200/500mA 0773002300 25
225A 3 EBS203b 225A 100/200/500mA 0773002400 25
Meta-MEC EBH 225AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 EBH203b 125A 30mA 35
150A 3 EBH203b 150A 30mA 0774000300 35
175A 3 EBH203b 175A 30mA 35
200A 3 EBH203b 200A 30mA 35
225A 3 EBH203b 225A 30mA 0774000600 35
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
125A 3 EBH203b 125A 100/200/500mA 0774000800 35
150A 3 EBH203b 150A 100/200/500mA 0774000900 35
175A 3 EBH203b 175A 100/200/500mA 0774001000 35
200A 3 EBH203b 200A 100/200/500mA 0774001100 35
225A 3 EBH203b 225A 100/200/500mA 0774001200 35
Meta-MEC EBE 400AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBE403b 250A 30mA 0.1S 25
300A 3 EBE403b 300A 30mA 0.1S 25
350A 3 EBE403b 350A 30mA 0.1S 25
400A 3 EBE403b 400A 30mA 0.1S 25
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBE403b 250A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778000100 25
300A 3 EBE403b 300A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778000300 25
350A 3 EBE403b 350A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 25
400A 3 EBE403b 400A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778000700 25
Meta-MEC EBS 400AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBS403b 250A 30mA 0.1S 35
300A 3 EBS403b 300A 30mA 0.1S 35
350A 3 EBS403b 350A 30mA 0.1S 35
400A 3 EBS403b 400A 30mA 0.1S 35
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBS403b 250A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 35
300A 3 EBS403b 300A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 35
350A 3 EBS403b 350A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778001300 35
400A 3 EBS403b 400A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778001500 35
Catalogue numbers
Meta-MEC EBH 400AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBH403b 250A 30mA 0.1S 0778001800 50
300A 3 EBH403b 300A 30mA 0.1S 0778002000 50
350A 3 EBH403b 350A 30mA 0.1S 0778002200 50
400A 3 EBH403b 400A 30mA 0.1S 0778002400 50
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBH403b 250A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778001700 50
300A 3 EBH403b 300A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778001900 50
350A 3 EBH403b 350A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002100 50
400A 3 EBH403b 400A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002300 50
Meta-MEC EBL 400AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBL403b 250A 30mA 0.1S 0778002600 85
300A 3 EBL403b 300A 30mA 0.1S 0778002800 85
350A 3 EBL403b 350A 30mA 0.1S 0778003000 85
400A 3 EBL403b 400A 30mA 0.1S 0778003200 85
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
250A 3 EBL403b 250A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002500 85
300A 3 EBL403b 300A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002700 85
350A 3 EBL403b 350A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002900 85
400A 3 EBL403b 400A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778003100 85
Meta-MEC EBE 800AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBE803b 500A 30mA 0.1S 35
600A 3 EBE803b 600A 30mA 0.1S 35
700A 3 EBE803b 700A 30mA 0.1S 35
800A 3 EBE803b 800A 30mA 0.1S 35
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBE803b 500A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 35
600A 3 EBE803b 600A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 35
700A 3 EBE803b 700A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0780000100 35
800A 3 EBE803b 800A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 35
Meta-MEC EBS 800AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBS803b 500A 30mA 0.1S 50
600A 3 EBS803b 600A 30mA 0.1S 50
700A 3 EBS803b 700A 30mA 0.1S 0780000500 50
800A 3 EBS803b 800A 30mA 0.1S 0780000700 50
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBS803b 500A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002500 50
600A 3 EBS803b 600A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002700 50
700A 3 EBS803b 700A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778002900 50
800A 3 EBS803b 800A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0778003100 50
Meta-MEC EBL 800AF 3P
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBL803b 500A 30mA 0.1S 85
600A 3 EBL803b 600A 30mA 0.1S 85
700A 3 EBL803b 700A 30mA 0.1S 0780001000 85
800A 3 EBL803b 800A 30mA 0.1S 0780001200 85
Rated current
Pole Model
Catalogue Icu
(In) No. at 415VAC (kA)
500A 3 EBL803b 500A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 85
600A 3 EBL803b 600A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 85
700A 3 EBL803b 700A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0780000900 85
800A 3 EBL803b 800A 100/200/500mA 0.1S 0780001100 85
Catalogue numbers
Electrical auxiliaries for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Auxiliary switch,
AX Description Catalogue No.
AX1E100R-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156101
AX1E100T-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156104
AX1E100R-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156107
AX1E100T-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156110
AX1H100R-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156113
AX1H100T-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156116
AX1H100R-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156119
AX1H100T-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156122
AX1H200R-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156125
AX1H200T-LWT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156128
AX1H200R-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156131
AX1H200T-TBT 1 auxiliary switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156134
AX1G250 1 auxiliary switch (1NO+NC) 83011146001
AX1L800 1 auxiliary switch (1NO+NC) 83011136002
AX2L800 2 auxiliary switch (2NO+NC) 83011136003
AX1S1200 1 auxiliary switch (1NO+NC) 83011126001
AX2S1200 2 auxiliary switch (2NO+NC) 83011126006
Electrical auxiliaries for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Alarm switch,
AL Description Catalogue No.
AL1E100R-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156102
AL1E100T-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156105
AL1E100R-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156108
AL1E100T-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156111
AL1H100R-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156114
AL1H100T-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156117
AL1H100R-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156120
AL1H100T-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156123
AL1H200R-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156126
AL1H200T-LWT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156129
AL1H200R-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156132
AL1H200T-TBT 1 alarm switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156135
AL1G250 1 alarm switch (1NO+NC) 83011146002
AL1L800 1 alarm switch (1NO+NC) 83011136004
AL2L800 2 alarm switch (2NO+NC) 83011136001
AL1S1200 1 alarm switch (1NO+NC) 83011126002
Catalogue numbers
Electrical auxiliaries for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Combination switch,
XL Description Catalogue No.
XL1E100R-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156103
XL1E100T-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156106
XL1E100R-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the let-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156109
XL1E100T-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156112
XL1H100R-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156115
XL1H100T-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156118
XL1H100R-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the let-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156121
XL1H100T-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156124
XL1H200R-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the left-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156127
XL1H200T-LWT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011156130
XL1H200R-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the let-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156133
XL1H200T-TBT 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(TBT) 83011156136
XL1L800 1 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011136015
XL2L800 2 combination switch fit for the right-hand seat of a handle(LWT) 83011137001
XL1S1200 1 aux. Switch and 1 alarm switch (1NO+NC) 83011126007
XL2S1200 2 aux. switch and 1 alarm switch (2NO+NC) 83011126008
Electrical auxiliaries for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Shunt trip, Description Catalogue No.
ST12CE100 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211157101
ST24CE100 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157102
ST48CE100 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157103
ST60CE100 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211157104
ST110CE100 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157105
ST220CE100 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157107
ST250CE100 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211157109
ST380AE100 For 380~450V AC 83211157110
ST440AE100 For 440~480V AC 83211157111
ST500AE100 For 500~550V AC 83211157112
ST125DE100 For 125V DC 83211157106
ST240DE100 For 240V DC 83211157108
ST12CH100 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211157113
ST24CH100 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157114
ST48CH100 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157115
ST60CH100 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211157116
ST110CH100 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157117
ST220CH100 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157119
ST250CH100 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211157121
ST380AH100 For 380~450V AC 83211157122
ST440AH100 For 440~480V AC 83211157123
ST500AH100 For 500~550V AC 83211157124
ST125DH100 For 125V DC 83211157118
ST240DH100 For 240V DC 83211157120
ST12CH200 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211157125
ST24CH200 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157126
ST48CH200 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157127
ST60CH200 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211157128
ST110CH200 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157129
ST220CH200 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157131
ST250CH200 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211157133
ST380AH200 For 380~450V AC 83211157134
ST440AH200 For 440~480V AC 83211157135
ST500AH200 For 500~550V AC 83211157136
ST125DH200 For 125V DC 83211157130
ST240DH200 For 240V DC 83211157132
ST12CG250 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211146011
ST24CG250 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211146012
ST48CG250 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211146013
ST60CG250 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211146014
ST100CG250 For 100~125VAC / 100~110VDC 83211146015
ST200CG250 For 200~240VAC / 200~220VDC 83211146017
ST250CG250 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211146019
ST380AG250 For 380~450V AC 83211146020
ST440AG250 For 440~480V AC 83211146021
ST500AG250 For 500~550V AC 83211146022
ST125DG250 For 125V DC 83211146016
ST240DG250 For 240V DC 83211146018
ST48CL800LWT For 24~48V AC/DC common use LWT 83211137001
ST240CL800LWT For 100~240VAC / 100~220VDC LWT 83211137002
ST550AL800LWT For 380~550VAC LWT 83211137003
ST48CL800TBT For 24~48V AC/DC common use TBT(2pole, 3pole) 83211137004
ST240CL800TBT For 100~240VAC / 100~220VDC TBT(2pole, 3pole) 83211137005
ST550AL800TBT For 380~550VAC TBT(2pole, 3pole) 83211137006
ST48CL804TBT For 24~48V AC/DC common use TBT (4pole) 83211137007
ST240CL804TBT For 100~240VAC / 100~220VDC TBT (4pole) 83211137008
ST550AL804TBT For 380~550VAC TBT(4pole) 83211137009
ST100AS1200 For AC100V 83211126001
ST125AS1200 For AC125V 83211126002
ST200AS1200 For AC200~220V 83211126003
ST380AS1200 For AC380~440V 83211126004
ST480AS1200 For AC480~550V 83211126005
ST24DS1200 For DC24V 83211126006
ST48DS1200 For DC48V 83211126007
ST100DS1200 For DC100~110V 83211126008
ST125DS1200 For DC125V 83211126009
ST200DS1200 For DC200V 83211126010
Catalogue numbers
Electrical auxiliaries for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Under voltage
trip, UVT Description Catalogue No.
UV24CE100 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157137
UV48CE100 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157138
UV110CE100 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157139
UV220CE100 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157140
UV380AE100 For 380~440V AC 83211157141
UV440AE100 For 440~480V AC 83211157142
UV24CH100 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157143
UV48CH100 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157144
UV110CH100 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157145
UV220CH100 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157146
UV380AH100 For 380~440V AC 83211157147
UV440AH100 For 440~480V AC 83211157148
UV24CH200 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211157149
UV48CH200 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211157150
UV110CH200 For 110V AC/DC common use 83211157151
UV220CH200 For 220V AC/DC common use 83211157152
UV380AH200 For 380~440V AC 83211157153
UV440AH200 For 440~480V AC 83211157154
UV24CG250 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211146051
UV48CG250 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211146052
UV100CG250 For 100~110V AC/DC common use 83211146053
UV200CG250 For 200~220V AC/DC common use 83211146054
UV380AG250 For 380~440V AC 83211146055
UV440AG250 For 440~480V AC 83211146056
UV48CL800 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211137021
UV100CL800 For 100~125VAC/100~110VDC 83211137022
UV200CL800 For 200~240VAC/200~220VDC 83211137023
UV380AL800 For 380~440V AC 83211137024
UV440AL800 For 440~480V AC 83211137025
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
shields Description Catalogue No.
TBL-13B 3 pole shield 64621151202
TBL-12B 2 pole shield (use 2 ea for 4 pole) 64621151201
TBS-13B 3 pole shield 64621151204
TBS-12B 2 pole shield (use 2 ea for 4 pole) 64621151203
TBL-22B 2 pole shield 64621152201
TBL-23B 3 pole shield 64621152202
TBL-24B 4 pole shield 64621152203
TBS-22B 2 pole shield 64621152204
TBS-23B 3 pole shield 64621152205
TBS-24B 4 pole shield 64621152206
TBL-33B 2, 3 pole shield 64621153201
TBL-34B 4 pole shield 64621153202
TBS-33B 2, 3 pole shield 64621153203
TBS-34B 4 pole shield 64621153204
TB-13T 3 pole shield for GBN/GBH103 64621141101
TB-14T 4 pole shield for GBN/GBH104 64621141102
TBS-13T 3 pole shield for GBN/GBH103 64621141103
TBS-14T 4 pole shield for GBN/GBH104 64621141104
TB-23T 3 pole shield for GBN/GBH203, GBL103/203(E) 64621142301
TB-24T 4 pole shield for GBN/GBH204, GBL104/204 64621142302
TBS-23T 3 pole shield for GBN/GBH203, GBL103/203(E) 64621142303
TBS-24T 4 pole shield for GBN/GBH204, GBL104/204 64621142304
T1-43A for 3 pole AB 400AF (250 to 400A) 64621131201
T1-44A for 4 pole AB 400AF (250 to 400A) 64621131204
T1-63A for 3 pole AB 800AF (500 to 800A) 64621131202
T1-64A for 4 pole AB 800AF (500 to 800A) 64621131205
TBS-13BL 3 pole shield for ABS103bL 64611152020
TBS-23BL 3 pole shield for ABS203bL 64611153015
Catalogue numbers
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Rear Connection
Kits Description Catalogue No.
X-35R-52 a set of the ROUND type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159109
X-35R-53 a set of the ROUND type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159110
X-35B-102 a set of the BAR type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159101
X-35B-103 a set of the BAR type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159102
X-35R-102 a set of the ROUND type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159111
X-35R-103 a set of the ROUND type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159112
X-45B-102 a set of the BAR type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159103
X-45B-103 a set of the BAR type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159104
X-45B-104 a set of the BAR type for a 4-pole MCCB 83161159105
X-45R-102 a set of the ROUND type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159113
X-45R-103 a set of the ROUND type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159114
X-45R-104 a set of the ROUND type for a 4-pole MCCB 83161159115
X-55B-202 a set of the BAR type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159106
X-55B-203 a set of the BAR type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159107
X-55B-204 a set of the BAR type for a 4-pole MCCB 83161159108
X-55R-202 a set of the ROUND type for a 2-pole MCCB 83161159116
X-55R-203 a set of the ROUND type for a 3-pole MCCB 83161159117
X-55R-204 a set of the ROUND type for a 4-pole MCCB 83161159118
X-102 a set for 2 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH102 72311141291
X-103 a set for 3 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH103 72311141292
X-104 a set for 4 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH104 72311141293
X-202 a set for 2 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH202,GBL102/202 72311142291
X-203 a set for 3 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH203,GBL103/203(E) 72311142292
X-204 a set for 4 pole MCCBs of GBN/GBH204,GBL104/204 72311142293
Rear connection
Bar type
Round type
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Direct Mounting
Handle Description Catalogue No.
D-35S Vertical type 83111158101
D-35L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158102
D-35R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158103
D-45S Vertical type 83111158104
D-45L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158105
D-45R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158106
D-55S Vertical type 83111158107
D-55L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158108
D-55R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158109
D-30S Vertical type 83111147101
D-30L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111147102
D-30R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111147103
D-60S Vertical type 83111147111
D-60L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111147112
D-60R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111147113
N-70S Vertical type 83111138101
N-70L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111138102
N-70R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111138103
N-80S Vertical type 83111138111
N-80L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111138112
N-80R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111138113
N-55S Vertical type 83111118019
N-55L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111118020
N-55R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111118021
N-60S Vertical type 83111118016
N-60L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111118017
N-60R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111118018
Vertical type
Horizontal type
ON in right-hand
Horizontal type
ON in left-hand
Catalogue numbers
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Extensible Mounting
Handle Description Catalogue No.
E-35S Vertical type 83111158110
E-35L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158111
E-35R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158112
E-45S Vertical type 83111158113
E-45L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158114
E-45R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158115
E-55S Vertical type 83111158116
E-55L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111158117
E-55R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111158118
E-30S Vertical type 83111147151
E-30L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111147152
E-30R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111147153
E-60S Vertical type 83111147161
E-60L Horizontal (ON in left-hand) type 83111147162
E-60R Horizontal (ON in right-hand) type 83111147163
Vertical type Horizontal type
ON in right-hand
Horizontal type
ON in left-hand
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
plug Description Catalogue No.
RP250 RATING PLUG 250A 73261132111
RP300 RATING PLUG 300A 73261132112
RP350 RATING PLUG 350A 73261132113
RP400 RATING PLUG 400A 73261132114
RP500 RATING PLUG 500A 73261132115
RP600 RATING PLUG 600A 73261132116
RP630 RATING PLUG 630A 73261132117
RP700 RATING PLUG 700A 73261132118
RP800 RATING PLUG 800A 73261132119
Catalogue numbers
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
Interlock Description Catalogue No.
MI - 43S for 3 pole AB400AF (250 to 400A) 56121138005
MI - 44S for 4 pole AB400AF (250 to 400A) 56121138007
MI - 83S for 3 pole AB800AF (500 to 800A) 56121138006
MI - 84S for 4 pole AB400AF (500 to 800A) 56121138008
Applicable lock if necessary
(not supplied)
External accessories for Meta-MEC series MCCBs
barrier Description Catalogue No.
IB50 50mm length (Set quantity: 500pcs) 67721152001
IB80 80mm length (Set quantity: 500pcs) 67721152002
IBL400 One(1) barrier for AB400AF 67211132003
IBL800 One(1) barrier for AB800AF 67211132003
IB1200 One(1) barrier for ABS1200AF 67211123005
Catalogue numbers
Electrical auxiliaries for Hi-MEC series MCCBs
Auxiliary switch,
AX Description Catalogue No.
AX1L50R AX,R,LWT for ABL53a, 103a 83011116081
AX1L50T AX,T,LWT for ABL52a, 53a, 102a, 103a 83011116084
AX1L54T AX,T,LWT for ABL54a, 104a 83011116087
AX1L200R AX,R,LWT for ABL202a, 203a 83011116061
AX1L200T AX,T,LWT for ABL202a, 203a 83011116064
AX1L204T AX,T,LWT for ABL204a 83011116067
Left-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
This seat is not available for 2-pole
Right-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
or SHT or UVT
This seat is not available for Earth
leakage breakers
Maximum possibilities
Electrical auxiliaries for Hi-MEC series MCCBs
Alarm switch,
AL Description Catalogue No.
AL1L50R AL,R,LWT for ABL53a, 103a 83011116082
AL1L50T AL,T,LWT for ABL52a, 53a, 102a, 103a 83011116085
AL1L54T AL,T,LWT for ABL54a, 104a 83011116088
AL1L200R AL,R,LWT for ABL202a, ABL203a 83011116062
AL1L200T AL,T,LWT for ABL202a, ABL203a 83011116065
AL1L204T AL,T,LWT for ABL204a 83011116068
Combination switch,
XL Description Catalogue No.
XL1L50R AX+AL,R,LWT for ABL53a, L103a 83011116083
XL1L50T AX+AL,T,LWT for ABL52a, 53a, 102a, 103a 83011116086
XL1L54T AX+AL,T,LWT for ABL54a, 104a 83011116089
XL1L200R AX+AL,R,LWT for ABL202a, 203a 83011116063
XL1L200T AX+AL,T,LWT for ABL202a, 203a 83011116066
XL1L204T AX+AL,T,LWT for ABL204a 83011116069
Left-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
This seat is not available for 2-pole
Right-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
or SHT or UVT
This seat is not available for Earth
leakage breakers
Maximum possibilities
Catalogue numbers
Electrical auxiliaries for Hi-MEC series MCCBs
Shunt trip, Description Catalogue No.
ST12CL50 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117231
ST24CL50 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117232
ST48CL50 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211117233
ST60CL50 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211117234
ST100CL50 For AC100~125V/DC100~110V 83211117235
ST200CL50 For AC200~240V/DC200~220V 83211117237
ST250CL50 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211117239
ST380AL50 For 380~450V AC 83211117240
ST440AL50 For 440~480V AC 83211117241
ST500AL50 For 500~550V AC 83211117242
ST125DL50 For 125V DC 83211117236
ST240DL50 For 240V DC 83211117238
ST12CL54 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117243
ST24CL54 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117244
ST48CL54 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211117245
ST60CL54 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211117246
ST100CL54 For AC100~125V/DC100~110V 83211117247
ST200CL54 For AC200~240V/DC200~220V 83211117249
ST250CL54 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211117251
ST380AL54 For 380~450V AC 83211117252
ST440AL54 For 440~480V AC 83211117253
ST500AL54 For 500~550V AC 83211117254
ST125DL54 For 125V DC 83211117248
ST240DL54 For 240V DC 83211117250
ST12CL200 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117201
ST24CL200 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117202
ST48CL200 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211117203
ST60CL200 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211117204
ST100CL200 For AC100~125V/DC100~110V 83211117205
ST200CL200 For AC200~240V/DC200~220V 83211117207
ST250CL200 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211117209
ST380AL200 For 380~450V AC 83211117210
ST440AL200 For 440~480V AC 83211117211
ST500AL200 For 500~550V AC 83211117212
ST125DL200 For 125V DC 83211117206
ST240DL200 For 240V DC 83211117208
ST12CL204 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117213
ST24CL204 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117214
ST48CL204 For 48V AC/DC common use 83211117215
ST60CL204 For 60V AC/DC common use 83211117216
ST100CL204 For AC100~125V/DC100~110V 83211117217
ST200CL204 For AC200~240V/DC200~220V 83211117219
ST250CL204 For 250V AC/DC common use 83211117221
ST380AL204 For 380~450V AC 83211117222
ST440AL204 For 440~480V AC 83211117223
ST500AL204 For 500~550V AC 83211117224
ST125DL204 For 125V DC 83211117218
ST240DL204 For 240V DC 83211117220
Left-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
This seat is not available for 2-pole
Right-hand seat
Option of connecting AX or AL or XL
or SHT or UVT
This seat is not available for Earth
leakage breakers
Maximum possibilities
Electrical auxiliaries for Hi-MEC series MCCBs
Alarm switch,
AL Description Catalogue No.
UV12CL50 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117663
UV24CL50 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117664
UV100CL50 For 100~110V AC/DC common use 83211117665
UV200CL50 For 200~220V AC/DC common use 83211117666
UV380AL50 For 380~440V AC 83211117667
UV440AL50 For 440~480V AC 83211117668
UV12CL54 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117669
UV24CL54 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117670
UV100CL54 For 100~110V AC/DC common use 83211117671
UV200CL54 For 200~220V AC/DC common use 83211117672
UV380AL54 For 380~440V AC 83211117673
UV440AL54 For 440~480V AC 83211117674
UV12CL200 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117651
UV24CL200 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117652
UV100CL200 For 100~110V AC/DC common use 83211117653
UV200CL200 For 200~220V AC/DC common use 83211117654
UV380AL200 For 380~440V AC 83211117655
UV440AL200 For 440~480V AC 83211117656
UV12CL204 For 12V AC/DC common use 83211117657
UV24CL204 For 24V AC/DC common use 83211117658
UV100CL204 For 100~110V AC/DC common use 83211117659
UV200CL204 For 200~220V AC/DC common use 83211117660
UV380AL204 For 380~440V AC 83211117661
UV440AL204 For 440~480V AC 83211117662
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