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首页>> 传感器类>> 液位传感器>> 2L-GS 2L-LIC-D/P,2L-LI,2L-LI-D/P,2L-SC齿轮式液位传感器

商品名称:2L-GS 2L-LIC-D/P,2L-LI,2L-LI-D/P,2L-SC齿轮式液位传感器
商品品牌 :twoline level 订购电话 :0760-88886370 88886371 88886372 88886373 88732779
传真热线:0760-88306579 : 1分
浏览次数: 3431 剩余数量: 100 件
本站价 :¥1.00 优惠价 :¥1.00
数量 你的价格: 1.00
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Input Voltage

0~1.5V / 4~20mA


Water and oil tank with no roof


For Indicator and Indicator Controller

   Serial    Number



Main body

HEAD  - P/P .ABS.Fiber




2L-GS is a Gear Type Level Sensor that has simple structure and can install float on 2" socket manufacturing existing SUS Float into P/P Float. It is also designed to stand humidity and shock, and is easy to replace the parts in case of defects.
It can connect to the units described  from page 25 to page 32 (Refer to Catalogue)


If the sensor cannot be inserted into the tank due to no specified roof height, Gear Type Level Sensor can be used. (The space needs to be more than 300)

Area where temperature is high, such as BC storage tank, hot spring water tank, use high-temperature-withstanding material (PP+ Fiber) for the body.

Indicator or Indicating Controller for various kinds of water tank, oil tank, water-purifier tank. (Tanks for hydrochloric or heron storage, special order for P/P is required)


Heat treatment by SUS board spring has been applied on the inside of the main body. If you pull rope wound to the end, spring will get wound and rope will move up and down, and also Float will move up and down depending on the level of water because of buoyancy and weight of Float. Therefore gear connected to spring shaft will move gear of V.R shaft, acting as sensor.

P/P Float will not sink in water as it has a specific gravity of 0.9 whereas that of water is 1.

0~  6M (General Specification)

6~  8M (Separate Order)

8~12M (Special Purpose)

SCREW TYPE (Separate order for a
Flange Type) - (3"F / 4"F : PVC)

TEMP : 60°C (General)

             80°C (Separate Order for
                       High Temperature)

0 ~ 5M (FLOAT)  (56*330)

5~12M (FLOAT)  (80*195)



ABS  Material (General)

PP + Fiber (Separate Order for
                       High Temperature)

Reference : Please adjust 2/3 point of the lower part of P/P Float as 100% position of water level for your control.



0~  6M (General Specification)

6~  8M (Separate Order)

8~12M (Special Purpose)

SCREW TYPE (Separate order for a
Flange Type) - (3"F / 4"F : PVC)

TEMP : 60°C (General)

            80°C (Separate Order for
                       High Temperature)

0~5M (FLOAT)  (56* 330)

5~12M (FLOAT)  (80*195)



ABS  Material (General)

PP + Fiber (Separate Order for
                       High Temperature)

Reference : Please adjust 2/3 point of the lower part of P/P Float as 100% position of water level for your control.




Select one from 2" Socket Type, 3" French Type and 4" French Type, and fill in the height from the bottom to the top. For Float less than 5M, 2" Socket Type will be used, and for Float more than 5M, 3" French Type needs to be installed to insert Float in the tank.
When installing, insert the rope link into the tank to insert the float.
( for 2" Socket Type more than 5M)

There are two types for sensor input: Resistance type and Current Type. Need to order separately for Resistance Input(0~300/0~1.5V) and Current Input(4~20mA).


Connect to both nodes regardless of plus/minus.

To insert BUYO into the tank, hold and slowly release the rope until it went to the bottom completely.

Status of 0% is when BUYO went down to the bottom without touching the floor of tank. Hold the BUYO  at 100% and use after adjusting 100% at unit.
【For Current Type adjust 2L-SH ZR at 0% position to 4mA (Adjusted as Factory Default), and hold BUYO at 100% position and adjust SP until it becomes 20mA.】

When the rope becomes loose as it touches the tank floor, there will be no 0% indication. When this happens, shorten the link rope attached to the end of the rope.

When BUYO does not get int the socket, insert and tighten the link rope first, and insert the BUYO into the tank and connect it to the link.

When Line connection, open the right-head lid and use 1/2" connector.

When inserting BUYO into the tank, do not let the rope go. (Could damage the link)

Never open any lid that has Caution Label on the body.
(Could be the reason for malfunction)

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